Tim’s Tech Talks – March 2022

Tim’s Tech Talks – March 2022

I had a Senior Pastor chat with me the other day about his sound tech having an adversarial relationship with the Music Pastor. It made me sad to hear. Remember, God has placed these folks in church leadership. We are there to support and accommodate anything that we can do. If we know it will create problems, then we can appeal to authority in a kind and Biblical way. Here are some suggestions.

1. Before or instead of saying “We can’t do that,” suggest an alternative idea.

2. Be flexible. Change will happen, it’s your job make sure it’s done in the best way possible.

3. Take it as a challenge. (if it’s possible to do it) sometimes we lose our curiosity or innovative spirit. Let it spark new ideas and new passion for what you do.

4. Suggest a trial run to see how it works, generally Sunday Morning is a bad time.

5. If your attitude is, “That’s just more work for me.” Maybe it’s time to step away for a season.

I get it, it’s easy to become comfortable with how things are and be resistant to change, but remember our job is to support the leadership God has placed in our church, with a willing spirit and joyful heart. Let’s not let pride get in the way of our service to the Lord.

(Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash)

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