Archive March 21, 2021

More Than a Remodel? – Tim’s Tech Talks – March 2021

A person recently asked, “We’re planning on changing the ceiling in the auditorium. Will that impact the sound system?”

The answer is “probably.” If you’ve made any major changes to the main surfaces in your auditorium and the sound just isn’t as good as it used to be, it might be time to have a audio professional take a look. Painting over an acoustic ceiling (for example) might change how much sound it absorbs or reflects. Replacing the carpet from your auditorium with any hard flooring surface, switching pews for chairs, removing heavy cloth curtains, adding a large window, covering over concrete block or any other major changes can potentially create problems. Each system is tuned to the room as it was when the system was installed. Changes over time can make things sound worse or create feedback problems that seemingly pop up out of nowhere. If you are just repainting a painted wall or replacing carpet with similar carpet then you probably won’t have anything to worry about as things are not changing significantly. But if you have major remodeling planned, be sure to include sound system maintenance in your budget. Happy Updating!

Photo by David Pisnoy on Unsplash

Tech Team Mentoring – Tim’s Tech Talks – January 2021

The longer I work in church tech, the more I see it as an opportunity to not only build good teams but also to mentor young techs. We are exhorted in God’s Word that older believers should teach younger believers. I think that this extends to any ministry where you are involved in teaching. The lessons learned while serving the Lord can stick with them throughout life. We can help young techs see how their service is important to the body. We can find teachable moments to remind them and guide their thinking about working with others, responding properly to authority, and faithfulness. Take a minute to listen, encourage, laugh and cry with them. Yes, they’ll learn some tech things along the way, but being a positive role model in their lives is something they will not soon forget.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash